Channeling Sophie's Garden

Carol's garden is in Port Hope MI, in a rural, lakeside community. She has lots of space and expertise. Laura' garden is located in Centralia WA, in a small suburban yard challenged by access to sun and space. Debbie's garden is in Deckerville MI, in a smaller rural yard, where rules are ignored.

Each of us is applying what we learned at at our mother's and grandmother's knees in space once owned by Sophie Mayer Birg Harter on Rangeline Road. Sophie immigrated to Detroit in 1908 from Heufeld, a once German (Donauschwaben) community of Hungary. Her hope lives on.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We are still eating out of the garden! Tonights menu includes cabbage and apples, pork sausage with cherries, jalapeno and apple,we just dice small and fold into bulk sausage, add thyme, delicata squash and Shawns famous rhubarb pie.
Cabbage and apples
bacon, dice and fry, reserve 1 tbls fat add handful of diced onion, 4 cups thinly sliced cabbage, cook down until cabbabge is reduced by half or so, add 2 diced apples continue to cook down, add salt and pepper to taste, a bit of brown sugar or maple syrup and cider vinegar to taste, dish should be a little tart tasting.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

End of the Season

The end of the garden season is her. We picked broccoli and swill chard today and picked the last of the cauliflower and kohlrabi earlier in the week. We had a nice long season. The lemon tree gave us 15 lemons, we have enjoyed lemon meringue pie, lemon cake top pudding, we are making limencello and maybe lemon cookies. The sweet pototoes are curing nicely and we hope they last until the end of the year or longer. We have enjoyed our variety of potatoes, the purple ones make good chips!